Housing SPD

The Housing SPD (2020) was adopted on 20 April 2020. It provides detailed guidance on the interpretation of policies in the Eden Local Plan 2014-2032 that relate to housing. The Housing SPD assists applicants and decision makers in the practical application of local plan policy and is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. The Housing SPD adds detail to policies in the Eden Local Plan, it does not create new policy nor allocate further sites for development.

The Housing SPD and Adoption Statement is available at the Penrith Town Hall as well as the Local Links and Libraries.


We consulted on a draft of the Housing SPD between 10 September and 25 October 2019. The Consultation Statement includes a summary of the comments we received and our response to them.

The deadline for commenting on the draft Housing SPD was 5pm on 25 October 2019.

2010 Housing SPD

The 2010 Housing SPD will continue to be relevant in the judgement of planning applications on matters not covered by the 2020 Housing SPD.

2010 Housing Supplementary Planning Document (PDF: 1,198 Kb / 70 pages)

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.