Upper Eden Adopted Neighbourhood Plan

The Upper Eden Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan was formally made part of Eden's Development Framework at full Council on the 11 April 2013.

View the Upper Eden Neighbourhood Plan 2012-2025 (PDF: 806Kb / 28 pages)

Carr House Neighbourhood Development Order

An application for a Neighbourhood Development Order (NDO) was submitted by Kirkby Stephen Town Council to reinstate Carr House, Mallerstang and construct an extension to form a 4 bedroom off grid dwelling for holiday letting or local occupancy.

An independent examination of the Order took place during 2017. The examiner’s report recommended that subject to various modifications the NDO could proceed to referendum. The referendum took place on the 22nd February 2018 throughout the Upper Eden Neighbourhood Plan area. A majority of those voting supported the NDO so the Order will now be ‘made’.

Mallerstang's planning issues are dealt with by the Yorkshire Dales National Park Planning Authority.

See Carr House Neighbourhood Development Order on the Yorkshire Dales National Park website for all the documents which relate to this order.

Upper Eden Neighbourhood Plan Area

Stage one - neighbourhood area designation

The first stage in developing a Neighbourhood Plan is to designate the 'Neighbourhood Area' which it will cover. A Neighbourhood Area application was received from Brough Parish Council, as the lead parish representing the Upper Eden Community Plan Group (an association of the 17 Parishes in the Upper Eden Area), on 28 May 2012. After an eight-week consultation period, we designated the area on 16 August 2012, granting them the right to produce their own Neighbourhood Plan.

Stage two - publication and consultation

Following the designation of the Neighbourhood Area, the Upper Eden Community Plan Group submitted a draft of the Upper Eden Neighbourhood Plan to us. We were required to publicise the Plan for a minimum of six weeks. We published the draft plan and asked for comments from stakeholders and the public. The consultation period closed on Friday 16 November.

View the Draft Upper Eden Neighbourhood Development Plan 2012-2025 (PDF: 3Mb / 28 pages)

See Upper Eden Neighbourhood Plan Written Representations (PDF: 496Kb / 34 pages) for comments which were submitted on the plan.

Stage three - examination

We subsequently appointed John Glester, a consultant with a wealth of planning experience to review whether the Draft Plan should proceed to referendum. The Plan went through an independent examination and we received the examiner's report. The report recommended that, with some changes, the Draft Plan should proceed to a referendum where local residents will be asked whether it should be adopted as formal Planning Policy for the area. It is the first Neighbourhood Plan in the country to be recommended to reach this stage.

View the Upper Eden Neighbourhood Plan Inspectors Report (PDF: 393Kb / 9 pages)

The recommended changes were made to the Plan and our Executive Committee made the formal decision to proceed to a Neighbourhood Planning Referendum at their meeting of the 8 January 2013.

View the Executive Committee Decision Report (PDF: 77Kb / 5 pages)

Stage four - referendum

A Neighbourhood Planning Referendum was held on Thursday 7 March 2013 where those who live within the Upper Eden Neighbourhood Plan Area were asked 'Do you want us to use the Neighbourhood Plan for the Upper Eden area to help decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood Area?'

  • Vote Yes: 1310
  • Vote No: 138
  • Turn out rate: 33.67%

Therefore, 90% voted in favour of the Upper Eden Neighbourhood Plan.

View Upper Eden Neighbourhood Plan referendum result for full details.

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.