Street parties

Street party

A street party is a social event taking part on a road, street or perhaps two streets. Street parties are usually held to commemorate significant events. Streets are hung with bunting and long trestle tables are set out, to be covered with sandwiches and cakes for the party. Go to the Street Party website to plan your private residents street party.

Street meet

A street meet is a very small street party in a cul-de-sac, drive way, front garden, parking area or on private land.

Go to street meets on the street party website to find out about a street party without closing your road.

Organising a street party or fete

Organising small, private street parties and fetes is very simple and generally does not include activities that need a licence, such as selling alcohol or providing certain types of entertainment. There is plenty of advice to be found on:

Do I need to apply to have the road closed?

Yes, please give us at minimum six week notice if you would like to close a road. For more details and to apply see road closures.

However, if you are organising a street meet you may not always need a road closure notice, please check.

Catering from home

If you are catering from home you need to follow certain guidelines to ensure you keep food safe see catering from home.

Food safety on the Food Safety Standards website has food safety advice, including guidance on food allergies.


See BBQ food safety on the Food Standards Agency website to find out how to stay food safe when cooking food at a barbecue. How to safely prepare meat and salads, cook meat thoroughly, and what to do with any leftovers from a BBQ.

Outside caterers

If you are using outside caterers you need to ensure that they follow the food hygiene requirements for caterers at outdoor events.

Food safety advice

See catering for street parties and church fetes or Food safety and hygiene on the Food Safety Standards website.

Licence for entertainment or to sell alcohol

If you want to have a pay bar or intend to provide entertainment to the wider public, or charge to raise money for your event, you will need a temporary event notice.

Small public event

See the detail on organising a small public event.

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.