Graves and burial
Burial and grave details
Burial and grave details for Alston, Appleby, Garrigill, Nenthead and Penrith cemeteries are kept at the Bereavement Services Office in Mansion House, Penrith.
Grave purchasing
Find out about who can buy a grave, grave costs for number of years you purchase, when burial can take place, types of graves, and maintaining graves.
There are two Crematoriums in the Westmorland and Furness area. Cremated remains can be buried in bio-gradable caskets or scattered.
Book interments through the Bereavement Services Office. Standard Interment hours are Monday - Friday from 10am.
Woodland burial area
There are woodland burial areas at Penrith and Alston cemeteries. Graves are among trees and wild flowers, with memorial plaques on the Garden of Rest Wall.