Local land charges fees

You need to pay a fee before we search the local land charges register for relevant information. A search of the local land charges register is part of the conveyancing process for buying or selling land and buildings.

Local Land Charges fees

Local Land Charges fees as from 1 April 2024
Service Ex VAT VAT Total
LLC1 and CON29 including Highways £101.17 £15.83 £117.00
LLC1 £22.00 £0.00 £22.00
CON29 Including Highways £79.17 £15.83 £95.00
CON29O Questions 4-21 (Submitted with an LLC1 or CON29) £16.67 £3.33 £20.00
CON29O Question 22 (Submitted with an LLC1 or CON 29) £31.67 £6.33 £38.00
CON29O only searches Admin fee for all CON29O searches submitted without LLC1 or CON29 £11.37 £2.33 £14.00
LLC1 only additional Parcel of Land/Property £17.00 £0.00 £17.00
LLC1 with CON29 or CON29 only additional Parcel of Land/Property £16.67 £3.33 £20.00
History Search for Documents (No charge if reference can be provided) £32.50 £6.55 £39.00


Pay for a local land charge search online.

Last updated: Thursday, 11 July, 2024.