Bus station

You can access Penrith Bus Station on foot from the corner of Albert Street and Sandgate, Penrith CA11 7TP, or by car from Albert Street. The bus station has bus shelters, public toilets, a car park and a taxi rank, nearby in Sandgate.

We maintain the bus station

We own and manage Penrith bus station, for any enquiries about the maintenance of the bus station please contact the Property and Contracts Team on the details below.

Report a problem at the bus station

Report a problem with a bus shelter online.

Report a problem with the toilets at the bus station online.

Report graffiti, vandalism or fly posting at the bus station online.

Bus services

See bus services for a list of bus companies, which operate in Eden and links to bus timetables.

Go to the traveline website for help to plan a bus journey.


Find out the nearest taxi rank to the bus station, which is within an easy walking distance in Sandgate.

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.