Housing swaps and mutual exchanges

Home swaps

Home swaps are where you swap your rented housing association property in Eden with another housing association or Council home. Your landlord will need to give permission and you will have to follow certain rules.

How do I apply for a home swap?

Check with your landlord to see if your tenancy is the correct type and they agree to you swapping. Then register with a home swap website, another housing association or council, see two options used in Eden below:

HomeSwapper is a national home swap service for rented council or housing association homes. You can register for free providing your landlord is partnered of HomeSwapper.

Mutual exchange homes

Mutual exchange is where you swap your rented home with two, three, four or more rented home tenants. Everyone will need to exchange at the same time. You cannot exchange into an empty property. For more information see Cumbria Choices' web page on mutual exchanges.

How do I apply for a home exchange?

Check with your landlord to see if your tenancy is the correct type and they agree to you exchanging your home. Register with a home exchange website, for example HomeSwapper.

HomeSwapper is a national home swap service for rented council or housing association homes may help you find someone to exchange with. Register for free providing your landlord is partnered of HomeSwapper.

Transfer homes

If you housing needs change and you want to live elsewhere or in a different type of property get in touch with your housing association.

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.