Equality profile

In order to provide services which meet people's needs, it is important to know and understand the make-up of Eden's population.

Go to population on the Cumbria Intelligence Observatory website for key equality statistics from the 2011 Census for Eden and the other Cumbria districts. These help us to build up an equality profile for Eden.

Some equality information for Eden from the 2011 census

  • In 2011, 21.9% of Eden's population was aged over 65 (higher than the national average of 16.4%) and the second highest percentage of all the Cumbria districts.

  • Between 2001 and 2011, Eden saw a 24% increase in the number of residents aged over 65, the largest increase of all the Cumbria districts.

  • In 2011, 97% of Eden's population was White British, 1.9% being White, Other and the remaining proportion being made up of other ethnic groups.

  • Between 2001 and 2011, the number of residents from Black and Minority Ethnic(BME) Groups increased considerably across all of Cumbria's districts, but Cumbria has a smaller proportion of BME residents than the national average.

  • In Eden, the main religion is Christian (70.7% of the population), with Buddhist representing 0.25% of the population and Muslim 0.22%. Of Eden's population, 20.7% stated that they had no religion.

  • In Eden, 7.8% of the population said that their day to day activities were limited a lot because of a health problem or disability with 10.2% limited a little.

  • Eden had the smallest percentage of residents with bad or very bad health compared with the rest of Cumbria (4.5%).

  • Eden had the greatest increase (a rise of 23.7%), in the number of residents providing unpaid care (1-19 hours per week) between 2001 and 2011, compared with the other Cumbria districts and in 2011, the number is slightly above the national average.

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.