Anti-Social behaviour and criminal damage

Although North Cumbria has seen a consistent decline in anti-social behaviour over the past two years, it remains our top priority. This task group aims to contribute to a high quality of life for all across both urban and rural communities, creating an environment where people can feel secure and live without the fear or threat of crime and disorder. This will be achieved through a range of interventions, based on the key elements of prevention, education and enforcement and is displayed in the task group action plan.

Read the North Cumbria Community Safety Partnership structure and plan 2018-2019 (PDF: 562 Kb / 1 page).

Anti-Social behaviour

The Government describe anti-social behaviour as, intimidating or threatening activity that scares you or damages your quality of life. Most anti-social behaviour can be allocated to one of these three categories: street problems, nuisance neighbours or environmental crime. These categories cover a broad range of conduct and rowdy and inconsiderate behaviour, inappropriate use of vehicles, rubbish and vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage, have been identified as key issues amongst residents of Carlisle and Eden. Anti-social behaviour impacts on individuals, families and communities, it prevents a peaceful community life and degrades the environment.

Criminal damage

Criminal damage refers to crimes where a person intentionally or recklessly destroys or causes damage to another person's property. This can include graffiti, arson, vehicle damage, as well as other forms of vandalism. Criminal damage usually affects households, vehicles, commercial premises and public areas. Although relatively low scale offences in Carlisle and Eden, this can cause distress to victims, increasing the fear of crime and cause unsafe environments in which to live. Interventions to make criminal damage harder to commit are used throughout the year, but especially in the summer months, when this crime type is more common. Crime prevention can help reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim of criminal damage.

How to report anti-social behaviour?

You can report anti-social behaviour to the following organisations, depending on where you live.


Report anti-social behaviour to Eden Housing Association.


Report anti-social behaviour on the Riverside website.

Cumbria Constabulary

Report anti-social behaviour on the Cumbria Constabulary website.

Telephone 101 for all non-emergencies.

Telephone 999 for all emergencies.

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.