Trade waste collection

Urbaser carry out trade waste collections, on our behalf, under a separate contract with the relevant business.

Disposing of trade waste

Read about disposing of business or commercial waste on GOV.UK to find out your responsibilities as a trade waste producer and how you must register as a trade waste carrier if you want to dispose of your own trade waste.

Trade waste bins and bags

Urbaser provide trade waste bins in three sizes: 240, 360, 660 and 1,100 litre sizes, and white trade waste bags that hold 25 litres.

Large trade waste

We cannot collect fridges and freezers as part of our regular trade waste collection. There is a special trade waste collection for these items.

Email Urbaser:

Telephone Urbaser: 01768 212800

Cost of trade waste collection

See trade waste bin and bag costs. Fees vary depending on the size and amount of waste.

Trade waste recycling

Find out about trade waste recycling by private operators. We do not recycle commercial waste.

Trade waste producer's responsibilities

As a producer of commercial waste, you have responsibilities under the Environmental Protection Act (1990) for the storing and disposal of that waste. Those responsibilities are set out in Sections 45 and 34 below.

Section 45 - trade waste

All businesses must either:

  • Pay to have their commercial refuse taken away by a registered waste disposal company; or
  • Dispose of it themselves, for a charge, at a registered disposal site.

Trade waste means all waste generated at your business address, whether business orientated, for example, paper waste and packaging, or food wrappings or scraps of food consumed on the premises.

You will receive a ‘Waste Transfer Notice’ if you choose to enter into a contract with a waste disposal company. By law, you must retain these documents and present them for inspection when asked to do so by Officers of either The Environment Agency, or our Environmental Health Section. Failure to retain these documents, and/or present them when asked, can attract a fine.

Section 34 - duty of care

This Section places all generators of commercial refuse under a 'Duty of Care' to manage waste properly. This means that you must securely store waste and only put it out when it is due for collection. If the refuse escapes due to a ripped bag, or tipped over bin, for example, you must retrieve it. Until you hand over your waste to a person, or organisation, you are responsible for it. Failure to comply with this Section can result in a fine.

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.