Bereavement Services office

Bereavement Services Office opening times

Contact the Bereavement Services office using the telephone number or email address below. The Bereavement Services Office contact hours are Monday to Friday, 8.45am to 9.45am. You can make an appointment outside these hours by arrangement. Appointments are at the cemeteries.

Cemetery records

We keep cemetery records for Alston, Appleby, Garrigill, Nenthead and Penrith in the Bereavement Services Office at Mansion House.

Cemetery fees and charges

See cemetery fees and charges.

An overview of Bereavement Services

Bereavement Services are responsible for the operation of the cemeteries at Alston, Appleby, Garrigill, Nenthead and Penrith. It is our intention to offer a quality service, with a high standard of care, to ensure everyone in the community can arrange funerals which are meaningful to them and their families. We have adopted the Charter for the Bereaved, issued by the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management. The Charter is a commitment to improving the service and spreading knowledge and information about the arrangement of funerals.

Last updated: Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.