Supplementary planning guidance

Supplementary Planning Guidance is the collective term for additional guidance documents that aid the implementation of development plan policies. Whilst such guidance should be consistent with the policies to which it relates, its role is also to provide a level of detail that would otherwise be inappropriate in a development plan policy.

All the Supplementary Planning Guidance documents we prepare have been subject to public consultation before being formally adopted.

While Supplementary Planning Guidance does not share the same status afforded to an adopted development plan, it will be taken into account as a material consideration when determining planning applications. With the change in the planning system Supplementary Planning Documents will now be produced instead of Supplementary Planning Guidance.

The following Supplementary Planning Guidance has been saved with the Eden Local Plan:

For copies of the rest of the above documents please contact Planning Policy on the details below:

Last updated: Tuesday, 18 April, 2023.